When I first came to California, I didn’t recognize a lot of the plants, because so many would never thrive on the East Coast. I started gardening in earnest in 2004, with my first garden. Luckily, my neighbor, a Dutch scientist named Inge Svoboda, knew just about everything I needed to know to get started. She was also generous with clippings and seedlings. I have a great south-western exposure, and, yes, I live in California, so I have it easy! My favorite stage in gardening is preparing the soil: aerating it, getting rid of weeds and nourishing it with compost. Lucky I like it, since this is the most valuable activity to devote one’s time to. I discovered that one can make a garden from found elements: seeds stollen from neighbors’ spent flowers, sharing perennials when someone needs to thin things out, taking cuttings…

Spring “AFTER” pic: Foreground— Yarrow & a volunteer chysanthemum; middle ground— deliphinums, scabiosa, lithodora; far box— strawberries and cherry tomatoes