drawing on the balcony in Corsica

I trained and worked as a graphic designer in New York, where I worked for Vogue magazine, among other clients.

I left New York City for San Francisco in 1991 to be closer to nature. That’s where I started painting. My training in dance had led me to painting the nude. I started with watercolor then moved to oil, a technique which gave me access, like watercolor, to transparency and sumptuous colors.

I have been myopic since childhood. The imprecision of shapes which loom in, then suddenly out, of my field of vision, the alternation of clarity then blur, have always intrigued me. The mist of the outside world opens onto inner clarity. In Northern California, every day I witnessed the spectacle of a fog which envelops everything, which veils or reveals the landscape. This led me to a desire to paint differently and to abandon the nude. It is during my creative process that a pattern, a meaning, appears on the canvas. My process can be described as the opposite of abstraction.

I moved to France in 2013. As a non-native, I find myself in a position of detachment. Looking at a landscape is like looking out the window from the train — brief moments of beauty flash before me, then disappear.

In my paintings, I dedicate myself to capturing these lived moments that touched me—especially trying to fill the painting with the mood I felt at that particular moment. Light and colors are as important as the subjects. On wood or MDF panels I superimpose thin layers of transparent paint (glazes) to capture light and vibrating movement.

Avant de dédier ma vie à la peinture, j’étais graphiste à New York et San Francisco, où j’ai travaillé, entre autres, pour le magazine Vogue.

J’ai quitté la ville de New York pour San Francisco en 1991 pour me rapprocher de la nature. C’est là que j’ai commencé à peindre. Ma formation en danse me conduisait à la peinture du nu. J’ai commencé avec l’aquarelle puis je suis passé à l’huile, une technique qui m’a donné accès, comme l’aquarelle, à la transparence et à des couleurs somptueuses.

Je suis myope depuis l’enfance. L’imprécision de formes qui passent dans, puis soudainement hors, de mon champ de vision, l’alternance de clarté puis de flou, m’a toujours intriguée. La brume du monde extérieur ouvre sur une clarté interieure. En Californie du Nord, tous les jours j’assistais au spectacle d’une brume qui enveloppe tout, qui voile et dévoile le paysage. Cela m’a amenée au désir de peindre autrement et à abandonner le nu. C’est pendant le processus de création qu’apparaît sur la toile un motif, un sens. On peut décrire mon processus comme l’inverse de l’abstraction.

J’ai emménagé en France en 2013. Étrangère, je me trouve dans une position de détachement. Lorsque je contemple un paysage c’est comme regarder par la fenêtre depuis le train — de brefs moments de beauté s’exposaient à moi, puis s’en allaient.

Dans mes tableaux, je me consacre à capter ces moments vécus qui m’ont touchées—surtout d’essayer de remplir le tableau avec l’ambiance que je ressentais à ce moment particulier. La lumière et les couleurs sont des éléments aussi importants que les sujets. Sur bois où panneaux de MDF, Je superpose couleurs transparentes (glacis) et j’utilise la couleur comme outil de composition.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Deborah Klesenski says:

    Diana – you are as beautiful and talented as ever! I came across your name in my address book today and thought I’d take a look at your new website. Your work is stunning. Hello from New York City, Deborah

    1. admin says:

      Hi there Debbie!! So good of you to check in. I’d love to catch up with how you are doing. Living in France now and full-time art, dance and music. All the best

  2. Cathie Mccormick says:

    I have heard much praise about you and your work for years and am delighted to find you here. Your work is incredible.. but I am not surprised. Only wish I could get to actually see it!
    Trust you are well; you certainly have been through a lot in the first few years.

    1. admin says:

      Hi there Cathie! Thanks for looking at my site and thanks for the kind words! All the best!

  3. Helen says:

    Hi Diane,
    My name is Helen, from the US. Just discovered your wonderful site and I have been reading your writing and admiring your drawings/paintings. I saw that you attended Tarbes en Tango. A friend and I plan to go there this August. This is my first trip going to a Tango festival in France. Do you know of a budget AirBnB within walking distance of the event in Tarbes? I appreciate very much for any tips you can give.

    1. Diana says:

      Hi there Helen,
      Thanks for contacting me. Sad to say, I have had to abandon tango, at least for a while, for foot problems. So I am not up to date on AirBnBs in Tarbes
      Have fun!

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