The wonderful Côte d’Azur is only a couple of hours away from St Cannat. We took a little day trip just when the mimosa were in full bloom. In California, they call this fragrant plant acacia, and it is considered a nasty weed tree, which everyone seems to be allergic to. But in the South of France it is venerated and everybody wants a bouquet in their home to welcome Spring even if it makes half the household sneeze.


We walked around the old part of the city, with it’s skinny, colorful streets, and got socca (a crispy pizza-like delicacy sans topping, made from garbanzo bean flour) and other yummy regional treats for lunch. Here’s the socca, and some orange-blossom flavored beignets:

photo os socca

photo of beignets


Lunch time on the Côte d’Azur is an opportunity to visit the sea, even on a chilly winter day. Here are some locals enjoying the beach:

people on Nice beach

man on beach in Nice


The Promenade des Anglais is so open and empty during the off-season. We easily took a seaside table at one of the bar/cafés that line the street.  This photo makes me look like a hostage, holding the local paper. I guess I am a kind of hostage, because I am captivated by this country. All in all a lovely outing.

DH on Promenade des Anglais


2 thoughts on “Visit to Nice

  1. Odile says:

    Encore de bons moments passés avec toi et Cathy !

    1. admin says:

      et merci à toi d’écrire sur mon site!

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