drawing of fallen leaves with poem


Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne Blessent mon coeur D'une langueur Monotone.Tout suffocant Et blême, quand Sonne l'heure, Je me souviens Des jours anciens Et je pleureEt je m'en vais Au vent mauvais Qui m'emporte Deçà, delà, Pareil à la Feuille morte.—Paul Verlaine(a mostly Arthur Symons', unsatisfactory translation:The sobbing winds / Of violins /of autumn...

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Honeysuckle illustration


Introducing kids to the sweet secret of honeysuckle never loses its appeal.No better place to be in the summertime than the South of France. Here's a video with cicadas:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dWa4iAI4BM Cicadas can only sing when the temperature gets above 72 degrees F....

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doodle to music

Early Music

Music definitely does something interesting to one's brain. My friend John Loose is a specialist in early music percussion and performed last week, along with the ensemble "Musica Pacifica", playing dance music from the 17th and 18th centuries; composers such...

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